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TBT: Purge 1st, Move Later

Thursday, January 22, 2015

In order to move I needed to PURGE! I had 29 years of my apartment, in my life, it was everywhere and I couldn't figure out why I was holding on to so much stuff.

As I began looking into moving companies I realized a lot of them quoted you based on the weight of your belongings. I was determined to lighten my load! So your CPA says to keep records for 7 years.  Those records are heavy but I wanted them....which leads me to my first big purge.

Big Purge #1 - documents
NYE 2014 was the beginning of my massive purge.  I took myself to dinner at my favorite hole in the wall thai restaurant {Tana Thai...yummmm},  bought 2 bottles of champagne and went home.  Once home I opened my super compact scanner that I'd treated myself to for Christmas. That NYE I scanned and digitally organized my file cabinet from 2005 on.  WTF?!?! That took forever, thank God for pink champagne. I have never felt so liberated in my life - it was awesome. Clearly, I was letting my nerd flag fly super high that New Years Eve. Above all I remember feeling thankful that evening. Thankful that God was guiding me on a journey that I knew in my heart was possible and would be rewarding.  Thankful for the excitement that 2014 was going to hold for Chanel & I. The photo below is pretty much how I felt about ridding my life of all that paper...

Image via Shutterstock

Big Purge #2 - anyone that doesn't add to your happiness...why hold on to toxic friendships?!?!
Purging stuff is just as important as purging people. That's right, I said it. Why keep friends that literally suck energy out of your life when you have plenty of friends that are uplifting and add so much to your life.  If you're one of those people that always have "project friends" or are helping friends through tough times sometimes you have to get selfish and direct those efforts back to yourself. I mean, the flight attendant says "put your own air mask on then help the person next to you."  I figure that saying applies to life in general as well.  I love helping people so this concept is super hard for me but WOW, it's really made goal crushing easier and I truly think I'm a better friend for it.

Big Purge #3 - furniture, clothes, decor...basically my whole apartment
Like I said, I had a lot of stuff. I had no idea what all was in my apartment but I knew it was time to start deciding what would go and what would make the journey to Chicago with Chanel and I. Speaking of Chanel, homegirl needed to de-cluter her little doggy closet as well. How many sweaters does a 6 yr old Cavalier King Charles really need?
Chanel's contribution to purging :-)

I had 4 categories - keep, sell, donate, toss. Honestly, I had no criteria for keep which now I wish I had. Like, why did I get rid of my trash can? Did I not think I would have trash in Chicago. Wine glasses? Again, did I not think I'd have anyone to drink wine with in Chicago either?!?! I kept ONE wine glass and ONE champagne flute...WTF was I thinking?!?!  Oh well, all was replaced.I only kept 6 pieces of furniture + clothes + kitchen appliances! Everything else I sold in a matter of minutes....who needed a couch, end tables, coffee table, a desk, etc?!?! I didn't...I was moving to Chicago baby!!!!!

I started a facebook event called "Buy Bose's Stuff" and started posting pics of everything I owned. People started bidding within seconds. I couldn't even finish posting stuff before people were showing up.  I was know b/c I'd had 30 minutes of sleep, was wearing my pajamas and was an absolute hot mess.  Thank God my friends aren't judgy...they just wanted some good loot & to hug me b/c I was outy in 3 weeks. Check out all the fun we had while everyone shopped my apartment...

Robin Dorner of "The Gayly" trying on some of her purchases - oh those boots and that apron!
Big Purge #4 - My car
Yep, I sold Sophia the Subaru.  The largest purchase I've made to date and I sold it with the blink of an eye.  That car ROCKED! It was all-wheel drive and kicked booty in ice and snow.  I drove that car hard - it was virtually  indestructible.  Sometimes I still think about driving around OKC in my little Subaru...but then I think about how much fun I'm having in the Windy City and that car is like a distant memory that I'm thankful for but don't wish to return to.

How much fun did Ted, Sarah and Graham have photographing my last moments with the Subaru?!?! #GoodFriends

Until now, Ted is probably the only person that knows what happen next. Tears. Not a lot and I'm not even sure why.  When we drove away  from the car lot after selling my car I cried. I think it was the mixture of exhaustion and the realization that there was no turning back....I didn't have an apartment, belongings, a job or a car in Oklahoma City.  Everything I owned had already arrived in Chicago...I just had to meet my belongings there.  I was like "oh, shit just got real, I'm leaving for good."  Ted was the greatest friend that day (like always). He drove me around for my final errands as I sat silently in the car with tiny tears of excitement, fear and joy.  

So that's how I continued the moving process.  It was exhausting yet fun and exciting. I could see all that hard work molding itself into a dream come true.  Nothing could stop me now :-)

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